November 17, 2011
I woke up in Branson, Missouri and had a pretty normal day at home... Except by afternoon I had to take my dog Danny to the Pet Resort, and then start packing up my suitcase yet again. I wasn't really in any hurry to leave, but by just after 6pm I got in my car and started my drive to Kansas City. (I was the only one flying out of Kansas City- the rest of the guys were all flying out of Springfield, Mo. But I needed to be in Kansas City on Sunday, and needed my car there. Plus I think I got the better end of the deal; the guy’s flight left at 6am- they had to leave the houses in Branson at 4am... And they had three flights- I only had two!)

My drive to Kansas City wasn't bad at all. I spent most of the time on the phone or listening to some music. I was quite content. As I was nearing the airport hotels 9:30pm, I decided I better stop and get some food first! I was rather hungry! So I stopped at the Ruby Tuesdays for some salad bar. (I love Ruby Tuesdays salad bar!) Once I finished up, I headed on over to the Clarion to ask for a room.
Luckily they had a room available, but I had forgotten how much I am not a fan of that hotel- I had stayed there one night earlier this year. After I got a room key I went to park and there wasn't any parking in the front, so I had to go to the back. When I grabbed my bags and walked to the back door, I found that I couldn't get in! (And I have to add that it was cold- like thirty degrees, and extremely windy!) So I had to walk down the dark alley way to get to the front- and the alley was acting like a wind tunnel! It was not a fun walk around the hotel!
But I finally got to my room and started to warm up. I had a few things to do before I went to sleep, and I watched a little TV as I was about to pass out. However, the air unit in that room was the loudest thing I have ever heard! Seriously. It was like trying to go to sleep with a jet plane in your room! But I did eventually drift off.
November 18, 2011
My alarm went off at 7am and I snoozed it for ten minutes. But then I hopped out of bed and started to get ready. Once I put a touch of makeup on and threw on some clothes, I was ready to close up my suitcase and get on my way! I left there just after 7:30am and drove the couple miles into the airport.
Normally I park out in the economy lot, but this trip was going to be short, so I opted for the more expensive garage parking. (I had enough things to worry about when I got back to Kansas City airport because I was meeting my cousin there, and we had to hope our flights got in on time, and then find each other, and I didn't want to add the problem of possibly waiting forever for the shuttle to the economy lot- because that has been an issue before for me!)
The Three Hatted Bob... Beanie, baseball and cowboy. |
Once I parked- and set a note in my cell phone to remind me where I parked... I walked in and went over to the Delta desk. Check in was easy, but security was a bit more difficult! There was quite a line, and as I got closer I realized why. There was an older gentleman TSA agent- but it wasn't moving slow because he was old, he was just taking his job very seriously. When someone was about to walk through the metal detectors, he would stop them and wouldn't let them through until they said their pockets were empty. He would ask once, they would say yes they are, and then he would say, "No, I mean really empty, nothing in them at all!" The people would say yeah, and then he would say again, "No, seriously nothing in them!" He badgered everybody about it at least three times before they were aloud to walk through. However, I was lucky because they opened a new security line, and I was the first person they let through on that one! So I didn't have to deal with that fella.

After I made it into the gate area I had a little time to waste. But soon it was time for them to start boarding my 9:11am flight to Minneapolis, Minnesota. Once I was on the plane, I got comfortable in my window seat; and much to my delight, when they closed the cabin doors, I found out that the middle seat next to me was empty! Always such a bonus!

It was about an hour and a half flight to Minneapolis. I spent most of the time on the internet- the plane had wifi, so that was nice! When we landed I got off the plane and started my journey to the next gate. There was a sign for a tram to my new terminal and a sign for how to walk there- I figured I would walk, always good exercise; and it couldn't be too far away. Well, it may have been good exercise, but the gate was very far away! It was quite the hike! So when I got to the new gate, I took a seat and tried to catch my breath.

I got a text message from Gabe that they had just landed in Minneapolis, and then a few minutes later, our sound man Jeff showed up. So him and I chatted for a while, it took the fellas about thirty minutes to get to the gate- maybe more! What was funny is they all got there are the same time and they had split up into three groups. Larry arrived first- he had taken the tram. Then not a minute later Dad and Gabe were insight to the right, and Tim and Bob were visible to the left! Larry was the only one who took the tram, everyone else was quite winded from the walk.
But within a couple minutes they started to board our flight to Bemidji, Minnesota. We all got on board and into our seats. The good news was that the flight was only about forty minutes long. So it was a quick one! We were on the ground before we knew it.
It was snowing! So beautiful to see snow, I love it! After we deplaned, we wondered out to the baggage claim area- which was right inside the door of the airport... It was a very small airport! We grabbed our bags when they came up, and then we all climbed into the van that the hotel had sent; and we started on our way to Northern Lights Casino in Walker, Minnesota.
It was about an hour drive- a little less. But the roads were kind of slick due to the falling snow and ice. When we got to the hotel it was not even 2pm yet. We got checked into our rooms and all disbursed for a while. I just went to my room and hung out until it was time for dinner.
At 5pm we all met at the steakhouse called Dancing Fire. It was actually really good food! We were all very pleased! We stayed there chatting until after 8:30pm, and then we all ventured downstairs to check out the theater, once we did that, it was off to the casino. I am not much of a gambler, but since everyone was going, I figured I might as well join too! Dad and I ended up playing blackjack until 10:30pm. The other guys all slowly started to retire to their rooms, but Dad and I held strong until then. I managed to make $80 though, so that was a pretty good night! And a good time hanging with my Dad.
But by the time I got to my room, I was exhausted! It had been a long day, so I was looking forward to lying down and getting some much needed rest!
November 19, 2011
I woke up earlier than I had planned to- truth was I wanted to sleep in as long as I could because I knew I wouldn't get much sleep the following night. But oh well, I got up and had a few phone calls to make and some things to get sorted out. Eventually I started to get ready though.
By 2:45pm I met Dad at the elevators and we walked over to the showroom for sound check. That got off to a rough start... My in-ears were not sounding good at all! But by about halfway through sound check I noticed what the problem was and got Jeff to help me out. After that, my mix was starting to sound a million times better.
We finished up just before 4pm. We all went up to our rooms for a bit, and then I met Gabe, Bob, and Larry back at Dancing Fire for dinner at 5pm. Again, our food was awesome! So we were very happy campers! We finished around 6pm and went to our rooms to hang for a minute- but it wasn't a long minute because it was a 7pm show that night. So I threw on my stage clothes and walked downstairs by 6:40pm.
It didn't take too long before the show got started. A DJ- her name was Bubbles, made some announcements and then introduced us. At that point the intro video started playing, so we all started to get ready. The fellas went on stage, and I followed them shortly after. It was a great show, and really great crowd! It was a lot of fun! We even did an encore- which we almost never do!

After the show, Dad and I went out front to sign. Then I started chatting with the guys for a bit, but I knew I needed to get to my room reasonably early. However, I wanted to run into the gift shop real quick- sometimes you can find some awesome and rather unique stuff in those places! Gabe went in there with me, and one of the rather large security guards followed us. Eventually Gabe inquired as to if he was there to guard me, and sure enough he was! And I didn't even know it! Very nice guy though, I felt very safe!
But I believe I was up to my room by 10pm. I had a few things to do before I could crash though. Then I had a friend get a hold of me (which was impressive, because the reception at that hotel was a bit questionable!) and they needed to chat for a bit, and then I just couldn't get to sleep, so I actually didn't get to sleep until just about the time I was going to be waking up...
November 20, 2011

I heard my alarm go off, and it was like a rocket went off next to my ear! It was 3:15am, and I was not too excited about it. But by 3:30am I got my butt out of bed and into the shower. However, it took the shower a bit longer than I had planned to warm up- I literally waited about ten minutes for hot water! So that kind of got me running a little behind! But I still managed to get packed up and down to the lobby by 4:30am like I was supposed to!

I found Bob and our driver waiting for me in the lobby. We put the bags in the car and started on our way back to the Bemidji airport. (The rest of the guys were on the later flight, so it was just Bob and I braving the early morning... And the five degree weather!)
The drive wasn't bad, it only took about forty five minutes. When we got there, we got checked in. I actually upgraded myself to first class on the flight from Minneapolis to Kansas City, because it only cost me $20, and it saved me from sitting in a middle seat... Plus, when you are on no sleep, and are dying to be comfy- you are a lot more willing to pay such fees!

Bob and I hung out for a bit, and then went through security. Really, there is nothing at that airport, so we just sat there until it was time to board; finally happened around 6:20am. So we got on board and on our way to Minneapolis. I lucked out and no one else was sitting in my row! Which is extra awesome on early morning flights- and flights where you have been awake since three in the morning in general. The flight took off right on time at 6:45am, and it was only about a thirty minute flight. So it was painless.
When we landed in Minneapolis, Bob and I rode the tram, and then split ways. I had over two hours to waste. So I did a little wondering, and then got to my gate and started to get some stuff done, but I was rudely interrupted when they changed my gate. And so started another hike through the airport.

Once I got to the new gate- in another terminal... I didn't have too long to wait before it was time to start boarding. Especially since I was first class on this flight! So I got on the plane and took my comfy window seat. And there ended up not even being anyone sitting next to me- again! Awesome! We left the gate a few minutes late though, and then we had to de-ice... And it was the longest stop to de-ice I have ever had! I don't know what they were doing out there! But when we did get in the air, it was just about thirty five minutes later than scheduled.
I got to work on a few things I needed to do, and I just hoped maybe we would make up some time in the air since I was meeting my cousin Heather at the airport. (We found flights that got in within twenty minutes of each other- how lucky is that!) And sure enough, the moment my phone turned on when I landed in Kansas City I got a text from Heather that she had just landed! So I went and got my luggage, and she got hers, and then we met in the middle of the terminal. I was so excited to see her!

We walked into the parking structure and headed down to the Plaza. We had a great day out and about there. Lots of sights to see! And then we had a lovely dinner together and walked back to our hotel- The Sheraton Suites. It was a great day!
November 21, 2011
Heather and I didn’t get up too early, but when we did, we started to get showered and ready to go. We hit up a shopping center and bought a couple of goodies, but eventually we got on the road to Branson. It was only about a 3 hour drive for us, and we managed to get there just in time for dinner with my Mom, Dad, Tim, and Larry. It was a great first night back in Branson- and a great start to Heather’s weeklong visit to Branson.
It was a beautiful Thanksgiving week in the Ozarks! And we had the whole week off, so that was a total blessing! In fact, we only have one more show in 2011… So bring it on!